
May 11th 2024

January 7th 2024
Hi All,
Don’t Forget B.A.D.A.R.L. Committee Meeting at Ewenny Range, Aberkenfig on Wednesday 10th January 8.00pm

August 31st 2022
Hi All
I will be creating the Individual Handicaps from the Friendly League Tables from February to April of this year (Last Four Scores). If the member did not compete in these events I will revert to the Last League Tables of season 19/20.
For members that have not recorded scores in these two leagues, I will need Six scores (preferably 10) shot under practice/match conditions to create a handicap for the individual. The reason for the six/ten scores is to ensure that any new members will have had sufficient tuition of match night rules and etiquette before competing.
Thanks, Jim Watkins

August 30th 2022
Hi All,
Not long now for the start of our season, the first matches :~
P & S League (1)  Monday September 5th
Fforddygyfraith       -v-   Ewenny
Tondu C.C.               -v-   St Brides
Porthcawl                -v-   BYE
Cup Matches  Thursday September 8th
S. Simmonds  6 aside straight
Tondu C.C.              -v-    Ewenny
J.E. Williams  6 Aside (Pip)
Fforddygfraith       -v-     Porthcawl
St Brides,  Have  A Bye
It’s been a long time, so in case you have forgotten 
S. Simmonds       6 Aside Straight
J.E. Williams        6 Aside (Pip)
York Hotel            8 Aside H/C
Nigel Phillips       8 Straight
BEHA                    ( Best 7 from 7,8,9 or 10)   H/C
Don’t forget,  Pairs and Fours Entries to me by 25th September  NO LATE ENTRIES
Edgar Williams Fours  4, 5 or 6 Squad members can be entered, no changes or additions can be made, after Draw has taken place.
Result sheets, tables etc, will be posted weekly on the BADARL facebook page.
PLEASE NOTE:   All individual Members and Teams must be registered with the League Secretary with applicable fees before shooting.
Good Luck and Good Shooting to you All, see you soon.
Jim Watkins Fixture Sec

August 25th 2022

Hi All
Due to a huge increase in the hire cost of their range at Sarn club, the Ewenny team have decided to shoot ALL of their matches on away ranges.


August 19th 2022

Hi All
Great News!! St Brides have their home range operational again. They will now shoot all their Monday night home matches at St Brides.


August 10th 2022

Hi All
League will start on September 5th. Hope you are all getting some practice in.

First matches :~

Monday Sept 5th
Phillips & Stockwood Leagues 1
Fforddygyfraith -v- Ewenny
BYE -v- Porthcawl
Tondu C.C. -v- St Brides

PLEASE DON’T FORGET Bridgend & District Air Rifle League A.G.M. on Thursday 18th August 2022 at Kenfig Hill RFC at 8.00


June 30th 2022

Hi all
Unfortunately, we were unable to go ahead with the Committee meeting scheduled for 23rd June due a lack of team representation. This meeting has now been rearranged for 7th July at 8pm in Kenfig Hill Rugby Club.
Please could you confirm by 4th July that a representative from your team will be present.



June 22nd 2022

Bridgend & District Air Rifle League
Committee Meeting to be held at the Kenfig Hill RFC on Thursday 23rd June at 8.00pm.

Matters to be discussed:

Start Times

Range availability for season 2022/23



May 13th 2022

Badarl 2022 A, B & C Cups

Great turnout last night for the BADARL 2022 A, B, & C Cups, excellent shooting across the board, Winners and runners up as follows :~

A Cup
Wnr Nathaniel Monk(FYG) 35.3
Rn Up Anthony Nomo Jones(PCL) 35.0

B Cup
Wnr Ava Mai Davies(PCL) 35.1
Ru Up Dan Williams(FYG) 34.0

C. Cup
Wnr Amey Chappell(FYG) 34.3
Ru Up Craig Bowen(FYG) 33.1


December 18th 2021

Hi All, 

Hope you are all well and getting a bit of practice in. Ffordd-y-Gyfraith’s Christmas shoot took place last Thursday evening. It was a great evening with 90% of the members in attendance. Pictured above, that man again, Nathaniel Monk was top scorer and Craig Bowen had top handicap score. 

Covid permitting hope to see you all in the New Year. Wishing you all a Very Happy Christmas and a Safe New Year. 



September 24th 2021

Hi All,
The Bridgend & District Air Rifle AGM will take place at the Kenfig Hill RFC on Thursday 14th October 2021 at 7.30pm. Proposals/Mandates to be in the hands of the secretary (Caroline) by the 7th October 2021.
Hope to see you all there!


AUGUST 22nd 2020


We regret to inform members that Mike Hughes, a long serving member of the St Brides Air Rifle Team, sadly passed away yesterday after a long illness.

We would like to pass on our sincere condolences to Terry and the rest of the family. We are thinking of you all at this sad time.


JULY 2019


Bridgend and District Air Rifle League celebrated their 112th anniversary this year. The Annual Presentation Night took place on Saturday 6th of July, at Kenfig Hill RFC. We had an excellent turnout with nearly a hundred sitting down for a very nice four course meal to start proceedings.

Congratulations went to Porthcawl, winning both the Phillips and Stockwood Leagues, retaining their titles from last season.​
The Perring Handicap League went to St Brides also retaining their title from last season, Fforddygyfraith the runners up in all three events​.

Individual events were hotly contested in all cups where we witnessed some stunning shooting from both senior and junior members of our League.​

Overall League Champion for an incredible 9th consecutive year with a further 10th title when university studies took him away from shooting, went to:​
Nathaniel Monk of Fforddygyfraith. Nathaniel shot in 18 League matches scoring 16 possibles (35 and up) finishing with an average of 35.22, those were the only two shots he dropped in the entire season, taking into account the handicap league pairs, fours and individual events. During the season Nathaniel shot in 39 matches with 37 possibles and an average of 35.26, scoring an incredible 35.6, (just missing the maximum 35.7) he also managed five 35.5s.​

Pushing him hard for the title and finishing in the R/up spot was Jazmine King from the Porthcawl team, the first lady to do so in the history of the League.​
Jasmine took part in 33 matches scoring 25 possibles with a highest score of 35.5​
Jasmine also obtained the highest Ladies average for the fourth year in succession, doing so during her university studies.​
Maybe our first Lady League Champion soon!?​

The Highest Ladies Average Runner Up, this lady has improved greatly in the last season or so, Joanne Christian from the Ewenny Eagles Club shot in 19 League matches scoring 7 possibles and finishing with an average of 34.32, taking into account all other matches Joanne shot in 41 events with 17 possibles and a high score of 35.3 qualifying her for the Robert Thomas Cup. Should be an interesting season starting soon.​

Not only did Jasmine win the individual titles but also the Robert Thomas Cup and the Ray Lewis Cup, two of the most difficult cups to win in the League. She did so showing both extreme shooting skills and nerve.​

Not finishing there Jasmine was involved in Pairs events the Western Mail and Bertorelli Knock out pairs. Shooting with her partner Dai Jones they shot incredibly well to take both titles, with Gareth Jones and Nathaniel Monk R/up in both events for Fforddygyfraith.​

The Edgar Williams Knockout Fours were won by Porthcawl, with the Runners Up spot taken by Ewenny Eagles.​

The Lord Swansea Handicap Pairs, a great event to give all the members of the League the chance to compete on level terms with the top shots, and it turned out to be a cracker with the two of the youngest members of the League brother and sister Molly and Ben Burke winning the event. Having to shoot five times over two nights they ended up in the final against the League Champion Nathaniel and his dad Derek, Molly and Ben held their nerve and came out worthy Champions.​

Other Juniors to win trophies include :  Jareth Kale(PCL), Cameron Kale(PCL),​
Kaitlin Jenkins(HWK), Owain Pugh(FYG)​

The evening continued with a disco provided by one of our league members, Brian Pugh and the annual event, the singing of ‘Running Bear’ by Kev McNally, all provided a fitting end to a fabulous night!​